Fun!raiser: Family Reunion – 2016 Convention

WE ARE ONE… one family – a CAPS family.  And once a year we all get together at convention.  So it seems too obvious not to call it… a Family… Continue reading

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President’s Message – November 2016

Are You Reading This? Your National Board has heard something several times this year…the message is that most CAPS members do not read KeyNotes (the very publication you are reading… Continue reading

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“Choose one small slice of the planet… and start!” says Linda Edgecombe, CSP, HoF

“Ten years ago, my girlfriend, Michelle Bonneau, was teaching in Nepal and she asked me if I would take some scarves from Nepal and sell them at one of my… Continue reading

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Afghanistan’s running women: The racers who made a statement in the world’s most secret marathon

For Canada’s Marathon Man, Martin Parnell, it was the best time to record his worst time. For almost seven long, gruelling hours, he had coaxed, pushed and encouraged a young… Continue reading

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Every woman needs a purse – CAPS Ottawa

This year CAPS Ottawa will be supporting the “Project Purse”, a charity campaign that was started in Ottawa in 2015 by Tanya O’Connor. She started ‘Project Purse’ to help homeless… Continue reading

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A Soulful Collaboration

What happens when two CAPS members from different chapters meet at a conference and share a dream? Why collaboration that works, that’s what. Lea Brovedani, The Trust Architect and member… Continue reading

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Novelogics Biotechnology Inc.

Elaine Allison, CSP and her partner Dr. I. Wayne Cheney, PhD, who has 26 years of experience in the industry and is a drug discovery scientist, co-founded Novelogics Biotechnology Inc.… Continue reading

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Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

One of many unique characteristics about CAPS is many of our members are solopreneures or run small businesses. Our families are very much a part of our success, so why… Continue reading

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