President’s Message: We Are One – June 2016

We Are One. It is the theme for this year at CAPS, and it is true no matter what year it is. We are one association of Experts Who Speak Professionally.
If you were at your chapter event when I visited earlier this year, you know that I talked about CAPS (just like all human systems) as an ‘ecosystem’. In an ecosystem, the parts are interconnected by nutrient cycles and energy flows. In our association, we are intricately interconnected. The health and vitality of our association depends on the proper nutrition and energy being supplied by, and available to, all of our ‘parts’ (all of you!).

You Matter! We need to know about and hear from you, in order for us to continue to ensure that this is the kind of association that you want and need. In an ecosystem, there is a sense of interdependence. The actions of one part of the ecosystem affect all other parts. This is certainly true in CAPS! Your individual actions affect all of us collectively.

Soon, you will be receiving an email inviting you to complete a CAPS Membership Satisfaction Survey. It is an invitation; and one that we really, really need you to accept! It is not a demand (like perhaps another survey you completed recently!); however, it is equally important that you stand up (or, you can of course sit down) and be counted! This survey is the most inclusive way to give voice to all of our members and capture critical and relevant information to help shape CAPS’ strategic direction.

You will notice that the survey is completely anonymous and the questions fall into seven categories:

  1. Satisfaction with CAPS
  2. Servicing Levels from our Association Management Company (AMC)
  3. Membership Profile Data
  4. Local and National Programming Events
  5. Online Offerings
  6. CAPS Convention
  7. CAPS Foundation

While you might find the survey somewhat detailed, we’re only asking you to complete this version once every four years. Only the section that deals with “Servicing Levels” will be done annually.  (By the way, it’s been four years since CAPS last conducted a survey.)

When we Learn more about our membership we can Share critical information to Grow the association so that everyone can feel that they Belong to the CAPS community.
Your individual contribution will shape our collective future.

So, when you get the email with the link….pause….then choose a time when you can focus for approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey and add your voice. Put the time aside in your calendar. Treat it as seriously as you would anything else that matters to you and your business.
We are extremely grateful for your time, energy, and ideas!

#youmatter  #weareone   #thankyou

We Are One: CAPS Saskatchewan Chapter and
CAPS Ottawa Chapter strike a pose in the National ‘Pose Off’!