HOT OFF THE PRESS! NEW ALPS PROGRAMS ARE LAUNCHING OCTOBER 12TH! Log into the membership area and register NOW!   Book More Business! Sales Strategies For Long-Term Growth In order to survive…and… Continue reading

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DON’T ask us what’s happening at Convention! (and early-bird deadline is Sept. 30, so register now!)

  Convention is less than 3 months away. And things are happening. OF COURSE you won’t be asking “What’s happening, Rhonda and Lisa?” because we know that you’ve been staying… Continue reading

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President’s Message – September 2017

Are the four ‘Es’ in CAPS competencies enough? During Labour Day weekend while many CAPS members were having an experience with their families, by either getting their children ready to… Continue reading

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Giant ducks, airlines and Zuckerberg: Marc Gordon always has a marketing spin for the media

From the publicity value of giant ducks on Toronto’s waterfront, to a United Airlines PR crisis, and the use of personal brand by Mark Zuckerberg for possible political gain, CAPS… Continue reading

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