This is the only earned designation for professional speakers.
Only 57 Canadians currently hold this designation for speaking excellence. This designation signifies exceptional achievement through a proven record of speaking experience.
These speakers must meet rigorous requirements for a number of fee-paid presentations, number of clients, continuing education credits and consecutive years of business experience. This designation is granted under the auspices of the Global Speakers Federation (5,000+ members in 27 countries).
To learn more about how to qualify for your CSP, please go to the NSA web site.

Earning your CSP®
By earning your CSP®️️️️️️️️ (Certified Speaking Professional™️️️️️️️️) designation, you can prove to meeting professionals that you are among the top echelon of professional speakers who have earned this international designation that only about 17 percent of NSA members worldwide have earned.
With this designation, meeting professionals looking to work with the best speakers will see your commitment to the profession and know you have the top-notch speaking ability with a track record of professionalism and success.

Christopher Bauer, CSP, PHD, CSP, CFS
Helping companies create cultures that support ethics, compliance, and accountability.
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Michael Bayer, CSP, Accredited Speaker, MBA, LEAN Black
LEAN Black Belt for Healthcare who works with organizations who want to increase customer satisfaction and profitability enabling them to grow despite industry challenges and the economic climate.

Jennifer Elder, CSP, CPA, EMCEE
Strategically position your company to stay relevant and stay in business in the fast-future by separating yourself from the herd. Be. Deliberately. Different.
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Amanda Lambros, CSP
With 15 years of vast expertise in the field of Relationships and Communication, there is no topic Amanda can't address. From the mundane to the taboo Amanda brings her unique approach to delve into the heart of matters and create real, sustainable growth and change.
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Pamela Robinson, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow
Local Ecological Knowledge: An Inescapable Pathway Towards Agribusiness Management 2050
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Tanya Steele, CSP, CSO(R), CHSC, NCSO
Making safety simple. Breaking down, what seems to be hard subjects into easy ideas and tasks to meet your obligations, saves peoples lives and increase production.
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Carolyn Stern, CSP, B. COMM., B. ED, M.A. IN LEADERSHIP
Keynote Speaker, Emotional Intelligence Expert, Professor, and CEO of EI Experience. Award-winning Author of The Emotionally Strong Leader: An Inside-Out Journey to Transformational Leadership.
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Sharon Weinstein, CSP, MS, RN, CRNI-R, FACW, FAAN
DESTRESS your audience, shifting the bell curve from STRESS to HEALTH. Create a strong WORKFORCE, boost WORKPLACE ENGAGEMENT, and ensure WELL-BEING. The Stressbuster is your solution!
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