Exciting news – so exciting you may want to sit down before reading this. Or stand up if you’re already sitting.

The development of the CAPS on-line speaker school academy training course announced last fall is well underway. We will very soon, if not sooner, be sending out an RFP for CAPS members who would like to lead one of the course modules, so look for this arriving to an inbox near you soon.

We are very excited about the benefits of the e-learning program, which include:

  • The ability to offer a comprehensive learning program to aspiring speakers and speakers in the early years of their business.
  • Creating a consistent learning experience for aspiring speakers from coast to coast.
  • Generating a consistent, ongoing revenue source that will help finance CAPS programs both nationally and locally.
  • Creating a branding and marketing tool that will help CAPS attract new and more diverse members and help strengthen our status as the voice for experts who speak.
  • The ability for experienced CAPS members to continue to give back and help create a legacy.

The working title for the speaker school is the Masterclass Speaker Academy, which is, you know, okay as far as names go. But we were wondering if you, our wildly creative CAPS members, could come up with something a little jazzier. A little snazzier. A little spicier. A little sexier. A title that sings. A title that grabs people by their credit cards. A title that screams out, “OMG! Where do I sign up?”

So, we want your ideas for a name! It’s just like one of those “name the baby rhino contests” at the zoo, only quite different.

You could win, well…we don’t know yet. At the very least the honour of having come up with an awesomely fabulous name.

Send your creative suggestions to [email protected]

And if you have complaints or hate mail regarding this program, please send them to [email protected]